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Mid-Level Recruiting

We’re not job-fillers.

We’re match-makers.

We go to uncommon lengths to explore what makes our clients and candidates tick. By learning your unique story, we customize a search approach that delivers team members that truly fit your culture…not just fill your job.
mid-level engagements include:

On-Site Visit

A visit to your facility, regardless of location, to further understand your story, culture and team and identify better matches

Job Description Design

A professionally designed, recruiting-friendly job description that drives interest to your opening

Expert Partnership

Partnership with a team of highly trained recruiters and researchers that leverage Grey’s extensive network, source the best talent, and perform direct outreach

Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment

A measurement of personality traits and behavioral tendencies to understand how someone might behave in the workplace

Compensation Analysis

An assessment of how well your current pay practices align with your larger compensation strategy and market data

6-Month Guarantee

A 6-month guarantee for placements up to manager level

Flexible terms.
Attractive pricing.

Our mid-level search retainers offer flexibility, scalability and cost-effectiveness without sacrificing any of the commitment, customization or attention Grey is known for.

For volume-based searches, we offer a project-based engagement that provides a consistent, planned schedule, volume pricing and improved cash flow planning. Or we can structure a retainer for you around a single mid-level search.

recent mid-level placements

Mid-Level Roles We Recruit For

  • Project Manager
  • Engineer (Manufacturing, Electrical, Project, Process)
  • Controller
  • HRBP/ HR Generalist/ HR Manager
  • Accountant
  • Commercial Lender
  • Financial Analyst
  • Operations Manager
  • IT Analyst
  • Outside Sales Representative
  • Quality Manager
  • And others!
mid-level recruiting testimonials

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Having trouble attracting top talent? Need a better approach for retaining your best people? Looking for the perfect culture match? Drop us a line today and let us know how we can help.
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